9 December 1998 The next day was Srila Gurudeva's last day in Malaysia. In the morning he and a number of the male devotees recorded a bhajana tape in Bala Singam prabhu's recording studio under his expert guidance. Krsnadasa prabhu gave Srila Gurudeva a photograph of Srila Prabhupada in a recording studio, and Srila Gurudeva gazed at it for some time. Srila Gurudeva was first recorded chanting a number of invocations. After that, he sang the songs: 'Hari Hari Kabe Mora Hoibe Sudina,' 'Sri Rupa-Manjari Pada,' 'Radha-Krsna Prana Mora Yugala Kisora' and 'Hari Haraye Namah Krsna' by Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, as well as 'Vibhavari Sesa' by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and 'Radhe Jaya Jaya Madhava Dayite' by Srila Rupa Gosvami. At the end he sang the maha-mantra, whilst the devotees sang the refrains throughout. At the end of the tape Srila Gurudeva was recorded speaking about some of the bhajanas which had just been sung. That evening Srila Gurudeva told more demon killing pastimes, including those of Aristasura, Vatsasura and Bakasura. "When Bakasura came and tried to swallow Krsna, Krsna became unbearably hot, and Bakasura was forced to regurgitate Him. Once again the demon attacked Krsna, and Krsna very expertly pinned his lower beak to the ground with His lotus foot, and with His hands ripped the demon's other beak upwards, killing him. Bakasura represents duplicity and hypocrisy. We see now that there are so many bakas, they are uncountable. What is a baka? The embodiment of duplicity and hypocrisy. Those who wear kanthi-mala and tilaka, but who are very tricky. Outwardly they act like a friend, but inwardly they are an enemy. From the outside they give sweet words, but inside they have a knife. So Krsna recognizes and kills them. So we see that they're falling down quickly, quickly. If one is practicing spiritual life then he should be far away from these bad qualities and behavior. If one is attached to followers, wealth, women, children also, to criticizing Vaisnavas for very petty reasons then they are not Vaisnavas, they are offenders. We should make Krsna our center, seeing our family members as His property. Grhastha-asrama is allowed. The gopis were all married. So many of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's associates were also householders. The Pandavas too. We should not be attached, but for Krsna we can do all these things because we cannot be sannyasis yet. At the age of 50, 60 we can renounce our wealth and possessions, and give them to our son and daughter-in-law. Then in vanaprasthi you can continue to live with your wife, and then eventually leave her in the care of your son and daughter-in-law, like Bhaktivinoda Thakura did. We can learn so much in family life. It should be like a ladder, a school, training us how to love Krsna, otherwise it is very bad. Those who've tasted married life in previous lives, who have good impressions will not need to marry. But those who pretend to be brahmacaris, or even sannyasis, and who preach throughout the whole world, but who have so much attraction for wealth and women inside will fall down. They pretended to be renounced for wealth and reputation. They are bakasura. You cannot kill them yourself. Who will kill? Krsna, Baladeva." Srila Gurudeva then asked various devotees to tell the story of how Krsna killed Aghasura. Having finished the last class that he would be giving in Malaysia for this tour, Srila Gurudeva spoke some parting words to the large group of devotees and guests. "My pranama to all of you who have arranged and who have helped. Don't have so much faith in reading. Everything is within these books, but it is locked. 'I will read them all and become a paramahamsa.' (laughter) No. By this you will not realize anything and you'll fall down. Only a Vaisnava can open it for you and then you'll be able to understand something. Krsna will come in the form of words, and He'll clean your whole heart, and then you'll eventually realize everything. If a qualified Vaisnava is not present, then you can read, it is ok, but it is better to hear from him. You may have read Srimad-Bhagavatam so many times, but what you are hearing now you have not heard in lakhs and lakhs of births. All this I have heard from my Guru Maharaja and other Vaisnavas. This krsna-katha is so vast, it is like an unlimited ocean. So try to take all of this, what Vaisnavas have told, into your hearts." At last our blissful and fruitful stay in Malaysia with Srila Gurudeva had come to an end. Eight fortunate devotees received harinama from Srila Gurudeva, and seven more received mantra diksa. The programs in Malaysia were very successful, and none of it would have been possible had Bala Singam prabhu and Jag Mohini didi not opened up their large house to not only Srila Gurudeva but also to all of his travelling party as well. Together they and all of the other local devotees tirelessly managed, shopped, cooked, served, cleaned, transported and hosted devotees in a mammoth offering of service to Srila Gurudeva. Thanks to their surrender, Krsna arranged for many guests to come to the well organized and smooth running programs. Thus Srila Gurudeva was inspired to speak many hours of blissful krsna-katha for the benefit and pleasure of all. Gaura Premanande! end These reports could not have been produced without the help and guidance of a certain person who wishes to remain nameless. I am very neophyte, I don't know siddhanta, and I am very much subject to come to false conclusions about what I hear or see. Having what I've written edited by this person has certainly helped me realize that. Therefore, I would just like to offer whatever credit is due to him. Downloaded from http://come.to/krsna